Friday, March 04, 2005

Maia, welcome to the world!

It happened. Finally. We have brought into this world a gorgeous little girl we have named Maia (which is the Greek goddess of Spring, and also means "Illusion" in Hindi.) Not a moment too soon, even though she was five weeks early. Fortunately enough, both mom and daughter are doing great after a very intense and quick labor (four hours of excitement, thrills and very high-pitch vocals.) This was, by far, the happiest day of our lives.

Pictures.... very soon.

Endlich ist's soweit. Heute ist unser liebes, kleines Maederl Maia (griech. Goettin des Fruehlings) auf die Welt gekommen. Maia konnte offensichtlich nicht warten geboren zu werden und war fuenf Wochen zu frueh dran. Nach einer relativ kurzen, aber doch sehr intensiven Geburt geht's Mama und Tochter hervorragend und wir sind gemeinsam mit Papa Guary sehr, sehr gluecklich.


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