Saturday, March 12, 2005

This is Gabi talking on the phone to her parents in Austria at 9am in the morning of March 3rd, congratulating them on their 32nd wedding anniversary. Five minutes later we would both be off to work. I took this picture of her very casually, just to finish up the roll on my camera. Little we knew that just a couple of hours later, she will be rushed to the hospital to deliver the baby. Maia would have been born just nine hours after this moment. Cool or what?

Dieses Foto hat Guary am Morgen von Maias Geburtstag gemacht. Gabi hat am 3.3. um 9 in der Frueh mit ihren Eltern telefoniert, um ihnen zu ihrem 32. Hochzeitstag zu gratulieren. Fuenf Minuten spaeter sind wir beide zur Arbeit gegangen. Nichtsahnend, dass wir in nur neun Stunden unsere kleine Maia in den Armen halten werden.


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